
about the website

T-Bar LLC, a pragmatic and prideful excavation and snow removal company in Montana, required a website that exuded quality and evoked trust. They desired a clear, modern website optimized for conversion.

In creating this website, we focused on conversion rate optimization (CRO) by outlining all potential user flows and designing specific funnels for each. The clean, modern design along with the refined project showcases and trust signals emanated the quality and trustworthiness of T-Bar.

From a technical standpoint, there were a few challenges. The most important of these technical hurdles were found in the seasonal nature of the business. T-Bar is an excavation company during the summer but a snow removal company during the winter. We carefully considered this aspect when designing the conversion funnels of the website. We created a website that can be easily optimized for either excavation or snow removal depending on the season and it gets people to the desired funnel in one click.

  • Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)
  • Google Business account creation
  • Custom submission form
  • Subtle scroll interactions
  • File reduction and compression
  • Easy-to-edit content management system

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Our service doesn’t stop after your website is launched! We take pride in our unrivaled maintenance and monitoring services.