Kindful Being

about the website

Kindful Being, a holistic spiritual brand offering yoga, meditation, sound therapy, and reiki healing, required a website that gave visitors the same sense of openness and space that Kindful Being sought to give its clients. They desired a spacious website that weaved mother nature into the experience of the visitor.

In creating this website, we achieved a spacious feel by giving every element ample negative space to breathe. We even created a slow transition that forces users to embrace nature and take a deep breath upon page load before the content of the website fades in. We incorporated nature by separating sections of the website and designing them to seemingly float over a river with a lush forest.

From a technical standpoint, there were a few challenges. First, the unique welcoming transition that plays when the website is first loaded required us to break out some custom code. Second, the spinning circular words and animated buttons required custom code and animation. Third, we built booking functionality into the website that integrates with the owner’s personal calendar.

  • Booking and payment functionality
  • Unique welcoming transition
  • Spinning circular interactions
  • Custom animated button interactions
  • File reduction and compression
  • Easy-to-edit content management system
  • Fading header

preview the website

Our service doesn’t stop after your website is launched! We take pride in our unrivaled maintenance and monitoring services.